Dec 10, 2014
“Let me take you on an adventure which will give you superpowers.” –
This program doesn’t have any bugs:
kris@floorshow ~ » ghci
GHCi, version 7.8.3: :? for help
Loading package ghc-prim ... linking ... done.
Loading package integer-gmp ... linking ... done.
Loading package base ... linking ... done.
Prelude> ()
data Bool = True | False
boolProgram :: Bool
boolProgram = --hidden
How many states can a program of type Bool be inhabited by?
-- let's imagine haskell had type-level functions ...
inhabitants :: Type -> Nat
inhabitants Bool = inhabitants True + inhabitants False
inhabitants Bool = 1 + 1
inhabitants Bool = 2
How many states in a program does a value of type Int32 represent?
intProgram :: Int32
inhabitants Int32 = inhabitants -2147438648
+ inhabitants -2147439647
+ ...
+ inhabitants 2147439647
inhabitants Int32 = 2^32
This one is just awful…
strProgram :: String
inhabitants String = ?????
data Bool = True | False
inhabitants Bool = 1 + 1
-- Maybe there's one of these...
data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
inhabitants (Maybe a) = inhabitants a + 1
-- Either there's one of these, or one of those...
data Either a b = Left a | Right b
inhabitants (Either a b) = inhabitants a + inhabitants b
Bool, Maybe and Either are called “sum” types.
boolAndInt :: (Bool, Int32)
inhabitants (Bool, Int32) = inhabitants Bool ??? inhabitants Int32
= inhabitants Int32 -- if _1 == True
+ inhabitants Int32 -- if _1 == False
= inhabitants Bool * inhabitants Int32
= 2 * 2^32
= 2^33
Tuples (and objects) are called “product” types.
inhabitants (Bool, Int32) = inhabitants Bool * inhabitants Int32
= 2 * 2^32
= 2^33
inhabitants Either Int32 Int32 = inhabitants Int32 + inhabitants Int32
= 2^32 + 2^32
= 2^33
These types are isomorphic
toEither :: (Bool, a) -> Either a a
toEither (True, a) = Right a
toEither (False, a) = Right a
fromEither :: Either a a -> (Bool, a)
fromEither (Right a) = (True, a)
fromEither (Left a) = (False, a)
inhabitants Either Bool Int32 = inhabitants Bool + inhabitants Int32
= 2 + 2^32
Most languages emphasize products.
Bad ones don’t let you define a type
with 2 + 232 inhabitants easily.
Prelude> data Either a b = Left a | Right b
Prelude> let printEither (Left b) = putStrLn $ "It's a left: " ++ show (not b)
Prelude| printEither (Right i) = putStrLn $ "It's a right: " ++ show (i + 1)
Prelude| in traverse printEither [Left True, Right 1, Left False, Right 2]
It's a left: False
It's a right: 2
It's a left: True
It's a right: 3
scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
sealed trait Either[A, B]
case class Left[A, B](a: A) extends Either[A, B]
case class Right[A, B](b: B) extends Either[A, B]
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
scala> val xs : List[Either[Boolean, Int]] =
| List(Left(true), Right(1), Left(false), Right(2))
scala> xs foreach {
| case Left(b) => println(s"It's a left: ${!b}")
| case Right(i) => println(s"It's a right: ${i + 1}")
| }
It's a left: false
It's a right: 2
It's a left: true
It's a right: 3
function left(a) {
return function(ifLeft, ifRight) { return ifLeft(a); };
function right(b) {
return function(ifLeft, ifRight) { return ifRight(b); };
var xs = [left(true), right(1), left(false), right(2)];
for (i = 0; i < xs.length; i += 1) {
var eitherVal = xs[i]
function(b) { console.log("It's a left: " + !b) },
function(i) { console.log("It's a right: " + (i + 1)) }
It's a left: false
It's a right: 2
It's a left: true
It's a right: 3
interface EitherVisitor<A, B, C> {
public C visitLeft(Left<A, B> left);
public C visitRight(Right<A, B> right);
interface Either<A, B> {
public <C> C accept(EitherVisitor<A, B, C> visitor);
public final class Left<A, B> implements Either<A, B> {
public final A value;
public Left(A value) { this.value = value; }
public <C> C accept(EitherVisitor<A, B, C> visitor) {
return visitor.visitLeft(this);
public final class Right<A, B> implements Either<A, B> {
public final B value;
public Right(B value) { this.value = value; }
public <C> C accept(EitherVisitor<A, B, C> visitor) {
return visitor.visitRight(this);
public static void main(String[] argv) {
List<Either<Boolean, Integer>> xs = new ArrayList<>();
xs.add(new Left<Boolean, Integer>(true));
xs.add(new Right<Boolean, Integer>(1));
xs.add(new Left<Boolean, Integer>(false));
xs.add(new Right<Boolean, Integer>(2));
for (Either<Boolean, Integer> x : xs) {
new EitherVisitor<Boolean, Integer, Void>() {
public Void visitLeft(Left<Boolean, Integer> left) {
System.out.println("It's a left: " + (!left.value));
return null;
public Void visitRight(Right<Boolean, Integer> right) {
System.out.println("It's a right: " + (right.value + 1));
return null;
kris@heartland ~/personal/fsb_4-2014/src/main/java » java EitherJava
It's a left: false
It's a right: 2
It's a left: true
It's a right: 3
“Bug fixing strategy: forbid yourself to fix the bug. Instead, render the bug impossible by construction.” –Paul Phillips
Don’t invite errors into your program.
The type
should only ever appear in your program when a value is being shown to a human being.
Two common offenders
Use newtypes liberally.
newtype Name = Name { strValue :: String }
-- don't export strValue unless you really, really need it
case class Name(strValue: String) extends AnyVal
Never, ever pass bare String values
unless it’s to putStrLn
or equivalent.
Never, ever return bare String values
except from readLn
or equivalent
Hide your newtype constructor behind validation.
case class IPAddr private (addr: String) extends AnyVal
object IPAddr {
val pattern = """(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})\.(\d{1,3})""".r
def parse(s: String): Option[IPAddr] = for {
xs <- pattern.unapplySeq(s) if xs.forall(_.toInt <= 255)
} yield IPAddr(s)
We’ve shrunk down an infinite number of states to (2564 + 1). Given the inputs, that’s the best we can do.
**import scalaz._**
Three very useful types:
A \/ B
Validation[A, B]
EitherT[M[_], A, B]
MyError \/ B
(Disjunction) has a Monad biased to the right
We can sequentially compose operations that might fail
comprehension syntax is useful for this
import scalaz.std.syntax.option._
def parseJson(s: String): ParseError \/ JValue = ???
def ipField(jv: JValue): ParseError \/ String = ???
def parseIP(addrStr: String): ParseError \/ IPAddr =
IPAddr.parse(addrStr) toRightDisjunction {
ParseError(s"$addrStr is not a valid IP address")
val ipV: ParseError \/ IPAddr = for {
jv <- parseJson("""{"hostname": "nuttyland", "ipAddr": ""}""")
addrStr <- ipField(jv)
ipAddr <- parseIP(addrStr)
} yield ipAddr
Validation[NonEmptyList[MyError], B]
Validation does not have a Monad instance.
Composition uses Applicative: conceptually parallel!
if you need sequencing, .disjunction
type VPE[B] = Validation[NonEmptyList[ParseError], B]
def hostname(jv: JValue): VPE[String] = ???
def ipField(jv: JValue): ParseError \/ String = ???
def parseIP(addrStr: String): ParseError \/ IPAddr = ???
def host(jv: JValue) = ^[VPE, String, IPAddr, Host](
(ipField(jv) >>= parseIP).validation.leftMap(nels(_))
) { Host.apply _ }
EitherT[M[_], MyErrorType, B]
EitherT layers together two effects:
The “outer” monadic effect of the type constructor M[_]
The disjunctive effect of \/
// EitherT[M, A, _] <~> M[A \/ _]
def findDocument(key: DocKey): EitherT[IO, DBErr, Document] = ???
def storeWordCount(key: DocKey, wordCount: Long): EitherT[IO, DBErr, Unit] = ???
val program: EitherT[IO, DBErr, Unit] = for {
doc <- findDocument(myDocKey)
words = wordCount(doc)
_ <- storeWordCount(myDocKey, words)
} yield ()