Monstrous Names Aren't Scary

Kris Nuttycombe - @nuttycom - May 28, 2016


The purpose of a type system is to verify that we have minimized the potential state space of an application such that only valid states are representable.


typedef Pair<A, B> = {
    a: A,
    b: B

typedef SIPair = Pair<String, Int>;


enum Either<A, B> {
  Left(a: A);
  Right(b: B);

How Many States?

var b: Bool = /* censored */;
var i: Int = /* censored */;
typedef BoolIntPair = { b: Bool, i: Int };

enum Either<A, B> {
  Left(a: A);
  Right(b: B);

typedef BoolOrInt = Either<Bool, Int>;

How Many States?

var b: Bool = /* censored */;
// 2 states

var i: Int = /* censored */;
// 2^32 states

var x: { b: Bool, i: Int } = /* censored */;
// 2 * 2^32 states

var x: Either<Bool, Int> = /* censored */;
// 2 + 2^32 states

Sum Type Encodings

typedef Either<A, B> = {
  function apply<C>(ifLeft: A -> C, ifRight: B -> C): C

function left<A, B>(a: A): Either<A, B> = {
  function apply<C>(ifLeft: A -> C, ifRight: B -> C): C {
    return ifLeft(a);

function right<A, B>(a: A): Either<A, B> = {
  function apply<C>(ifLeft: A -> C, ifRight: B -> C): C {
    return ifRight(a);


enum JValue {
  JObject(xs: Array<JAssoc>);
  JArray(xs: Array<JValue>);
  JString(s: String);
  JNum(f: Float);
  JBool(b: Bool);

typedef JAssoc = {
  fieldName: String,
  value: JValue


var f : A -> B = ...

enum OneOfThree = { First; Second; Third; };

typedef OneOfThree = OneOfThree -> Bool;

//cardinality of OneOfThree = 2^3

Function Composition

function compose<A, B, C>(f: B -> C, g: A -> B): A -> C {
  return function(a: A) {
    return f(g(a))

f.compose(g.compose(h)) = (f.compose(g)).compose(h)

f.compose(g)(x) = f(g(x))

f.compose(g.compose(h)(x)) = f(g.compose(h)(x))
                           = f(g(h(x)))
                           = (f.compose(g))(h(x)))
                           = (f.compose(g)).compose(h)(x)

Programs must be written for people to read, and only incidentally for machines to execute. - Abelson, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs.


An associative binary operation that combines two values of a type to yield a new value of that type.

typedef Semigroup<A> = {
  append: A -> A -> A

s.append(s.append(a0, a1), a2) == s.append(a0, s.append(a1, a2))

function nelSemigroup<A>(): Semigroup<NonEmpty<A>> {
  function append0(e0: NonEmpty<A>, e1: NonEmpty<A>): NonEmpty<A> {
    return switch e0 {
      case Single(a): ConsNel(a, e1);
      case ConsNel(a, rest): ConsNel(a, append0(rest, e1));

  return { append: append0 };


A semigroup with an identity element.

typedef Monoid<A> = {
  mzero: A,
  append: A -> A -> A

m.append(m.mzero, a) == a
m.append(a, m.mzero) == a



function kComposeOption<A, B, C>(f: B -> Option<C>, g: A -> Option<B>): 
    A -> Option<C> {

  return function(a: A) {
    return switch g(a) {
      case Some(b): f(b);
      case None: None;

function kComposeList<A, B, C>(f: B -> List<C>, g: A -> List<B>): 
    A -> List<C> { ... }

function kComposePromise<A, B, C>(f: B -> Promise<C>, g: A -> Promise<B>): 
    A -> Promise<C> { ... }

Applicative Functor

Applicative Functor

function liftA2Zip<A, B, C>(f: A -> B -> C): ZipList<A> -> ZipList<B> -> ZipList<C>;

function liftA2Par<A, B, C>(f: A -> B -> C): Par<A> -> Par<B> -> Par<C>;

function liftA2Val<E, A, B, C>(f: A -> B -> C, s: Semigroup<E>): 
    Validation<E, A> -> Validation<E, B> -> Validation<E C>

Free Applicative Functor

sealed trait FreeAp[F[_], A]
case class Pure[F[_], A](a: A) extends FreeAp[F, A]
case class Ap[F[_], A, I](f: F[I], k: FreeAp[F, I => A])

object FreeAp {
  def liftA2[F[_], A, B, C](f: A => B => C): 
      FreeAp[F, A] => FreeAp[F, B] => FreeAp[F, C] = ???

enum Schema<A> {
  BoolSchema: Schema<Bool>;
  FloatSchema: Schema<Float>;
  IntSchema: Schema<Int>;
  StrSchema: Schema<String>;
  UnitSchema: Schema<Unit>;

  ObjectSchema<B>(propSchema: ObjAp<B, B>): Schema<B>;
  ArraySchema<B>(elemSchema: Schema<B>): Schema<Array<B>>;

  // schema for sum types
  OneOfSchema<B>(alternatives: Array<Alternative<B>>): Schema<B>;

  // This allows us to create schemas that parse to newtype wrappers
  IsoSchema<B, C>(base: Schema<B>, f: B -> C, g: C -> B): Schema<C>;

  Lazy<B>(s: Void -> Schema<B>): Schema<B>;

enum Alternative<A> {
  Prism<B>(id: String, base: Schema<B>, f: B -> A, g: A -> Option<B>);

enum PropSchema<O, A> {
  Required<B>(field: String, vschema: Schema<B>, accessor: O -> B): 
      PropSchema<O, B>;

  Optional<B>(field: String, vschema: Schema<B>, accessor: O -> Option<B>): 
      PropSchema<O, Option<B>>;

enum ObjAp<O, A> {
  Pure(a: A);
  Ap<I>(s: PropSchema<O, I>, k: ObjAp<O, I -> A>);

class Person {
  public var name: String;
  public var age: Option<Int>;
  public var children: Array<Person>;

  public function new(name: String, age: Int, children: Array<Person>) { = name; this.age = age; this.children = children:

  public static var schema: Schema<Person> = ObjectSchema(
      Required("name", StrSchema, function(x: Person) return,
      Optional("age", IntSchema, function(x: Person) return x.age),
               ArraySchema(Lazy(function() return Person.schema)),
               function(x: Person) return x.children)

What's it good for?

function parseJSON<A>(schema: Schema<A>, v: JValue): Either<ParseErrors, A>

function renderJSON<A>(schema: Schema<A>, a: A): JValue

function toJsonSchema<A>(schema: Schema<A>): JValue

function gen<A>(schema: Schema<A>): Gen<A>

Free Monad

sealed trait Free[F[_], A]
case class Pure[F[_], A](a: A) extends Free[F, A]
case class Bind[F[_], A, B](s: Free[F, A], f: A => Free[F, B]) extends Free[F, A]

object Free {
  def kCompose[F[_]: Functor, A, B, C](f: B => Free[F, C], f: A => Free[F, B]): 
      A => Free[F, C] = ???

sealed trait FreeAp[F[_], A]
case class Pure[F[_], A](a: A) extends FreeAp[F, A]
case class Ap[F[_], A, I](f: F[I], k: FreeAp[F, I => A])


class PLens<S, T, A, B> {
  public var get(default, null): S -> A;
  public var set(default, null): B -> (S -> T);

  public function new(get: S -> A, set: B -> (S -> T)) {
    this.get = get;
    this.set = set;

  public function modify(f: A -> B): S -> T {
    return function(s: S) {
      return this.set(f(this.get(s)))(s);

function view<S, T, A, B>(s: S, la: PLens<S, T, A, B>): A {
  return la.get(s);

function update<S, T, A, B>(s: S, la: PLens<S, T, A, B>, b: B): T {
  return la.set(b)(s);

function compose<S, T, A, B, C, D>(stab: PLens<S, T, A, B>, abcd: PLens<A, B, C, D>): 
    PLens<S, T, C, D> {

  return PLenses.pLens(
    function(s: S): C return abcd.get(stab.get(s)),
    function(d: D): S -> T return stab.modify(abcd.set(d))


(Zygohistomorphic prepromorphism)